
Jeremiah Chapter 25

Jeremiah Chapter 25 is yet another chapter where God proclaims judgement on His people because they have refused to hear the multiple warnings that He has given them through the prophets (v4). In this chapter, Jeremiah prophesies that God will punish Judah through Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon (v9).

Interestingly, in this prophecy, it is mentioned that that the reign of Babylon would be 70 years (v11) after which they would be punished by God for their wrongdoings. We know from history that Babylon effectively ended Assyrian dominance in 609BC at the Battle of Megiddo (2 Kgs 23;29), and in 539BC, Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians (Dan 5:31). It is amazing that these prophecies stood the test of time and proved to be true. As readers of these historical records in the Bible, what does this teach us?

Through these prophecies, Our God proves that He is all powerful and He is in absolute control of our universe. If He wishes to proclaim judgement on the nations, He can do so and He can choose which kingdom He wants to use, to punish them. He alone, is in control of the rise and fall of Kingdoms. If He wants to punish us for our wrongdoings, He absolutely can do so. It is fearful to fall into the hands of the living God (Heb 10:31). He utterly destroyed the nations of old (v19-26), do we dare test Him? We ought to revere God for the power He wields over us, and submit to Him the Creator of the Universe.

On the other hand, It is also through these prophecies that we see that the love and mercy of God. Israel and Judah had been disobedient to God time and time again and God patiently sent prophets to rebuke and correct His people. God patiently waited for the repentance of His children, yet to no avail. Finally He gave Israel and Judah their well-deserved punishment. Putting ourselves in God’s shoes, would we have waited that long to mete out punishment?

In conclusion, do we want to be on the receiving end of God’s love and mercy or His punishment? As God’s children, we ought to be holy and submit to God’s will for us. If we follow the Lord, we will experience firsthand how sweet it is, and how blessed we are to be children of God (1 Jn 3:1). If we choose to disobey, let us remember that our God is a consuming fire (Heb 12:29). Our choices on earth lead to extremely different outcomes for our eternal life, one of immeasurable joy and the other of immeasurable pain. What choice will you make? My New Year resolution is to be more mindful about fearing God. Will you join me?

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