
Jeremiah Chapter 49

God is pronouncing his judgement on the other nations like Edom, Ammon etc. One question stands out for me today.

Why do you boast in the valleys,
Your flowing valley, O backsliding daughter?
Who trusted in her treasures, saying,
‘Who will come against me?’

~ Jeremiah 49:4 ~

“Who trusted in her treasures, saying, ‘Who will come against me?'”

Some things never change. Just as how the people in the past trusted in the treasures and things of this world, thinking that by having them all, it will bring security for their lives, the people of the world continue to do the same.

We look to accumulate wealth, work to be a high ranking job, invest in many things – all for the idea of peace and security. And we think that by having all this, no one can come against us. We put our confidence in the things we have strove hard to achieve and acquire and accomplish… but actually there is no security in these at all – which we clearly see in Jeremiah.

But the clear message from God is that we cannot put our trust in the things of this world.

Psalm 146:3 says: “Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.”

The people during the time of Jeremiah and before had sought help from different sovereign powers when faced with danger. But they have forgotten to put their trust in the only one that can be trusted.

Are we the same?

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